
Pilates is a fantastic form of exercise to help you stay strong in your spine and core. Maintaining a strong back helps you to avoid back pain and so much more.

Pilates is suitable for all ages and abilities. If you are new to these practises remember to ask around in your local area for a recommendation.  It is essential that any instructor is observing how you are doing the exercises and correcting you if necessary to avoid injury.

Find out more about Pilates in our guest blogs by Body Control Pilates instructor Alyth Yelland.


Foam rollers can be a great addition to Pilates.  Pilates foam rollers can be used to increase the level of an exercise and are often used for this in Pialtes classes.

If you are a little tight in some muscles, they are a great way to self-massage and loosen the tension.

All foam rollers come with a FREE e-booklet.

“10 Best Foam Roller Exercises”

This download shows you:

– How to use a foam roller safely and effectively

– The 10 best exercises to self-massage the major muscles in the body

– How to use a foam roller to increase the challenge of your Pilates workout